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This article explores the relationship between self-care, diet, and healthy living, highlighting the importance of maintaining balance in the diet. A mix of both nnovative and more traditional diets and lifestyles is mentioned. In addition, the relevance of consumption and/or avoidance of specific nutrients and dietary lifestyles supported by scientific evidence is highlighted.

Eating different types of foods is important for our bodies because no single food has everything we need to be healthy. This means we must ensure we eat the right amount of healthy foods to keep our bodies strong and functioning well. In today's article, we'll talk about eating habits and what an ideal diet looks like for our health and optimal performance.


Nutrients are like special ingredients our bodies need to grow and stay healthy. They help our bodies function properly and keep us strong. Our bodies need different things to stay healthy and function properly. We get energy from food, materials to build our cells and tissues, and factors to help chemical reactions occur in our cells. Eating a balanced diet is important to ensure we get all these things we need.


Maintaining a balanced diet with foods that contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water is important for keeping our bodies healthy. If we eat too much or too little of these nutrients, we can cause problems like obesity, toxicity, malnutrition, or deficiencies. It's important to have a good combination of these nutrients in our diet and have healthy lifestyle habits.


The nutrition pyramid is a guide that tells us how often we should eat different types of foods to ensure our bodies get all the vitamins and minerals they need. At the base of the pyramid are the foods we should eat a lot of, and at the top are the ones we should only eat a little. Generally, a plate should consist of 50% vegetables and fruits (a portion of your two open hands), 25% carbohydrates (one of your fists), and 25% protein (the palm of your hand), approximately.

Impact of Refined Foods and Overweight


In modern life, people eat differently than they used to because they are busy and don't have much time to eat healthy foods. Many people don't eat enough healthy foods because they consume too much meat, fatty foods, sugary drinks, and snacks. Not getting enough nutrients can make you feel unwell and increase the chances of contracting diseases such as high blood pressure, weak bones, diabetes, overweight, diabetes, and stomach problems.


The main reason people are overweight is because they eat more calories than their body needs and don't burn enough energy. When we eat too much, our body stores the extra calories as fat, which can make us look and feel bigger. If we continue to overeat for a long time, fat can also start to accumulate in other parts of our body like the liver, pancreas, and muscles, which can make our body not work as well. It's also because we don't move or play outdoors enough.


Sometimes, people may be overweight or have difficulty losing weight due to hereditary factors or certain medical conditions or medications they take. It's important to consider things that can increase the chances of having health problems, such as not eating well, not getting enough sleep, being very stressed, or living in an unsafe place. These things can increase the chances of someone being overweight or obese. As people age, it may become easier for them to gain weight because their bodies don't need as much energy.


Men generally need more energy than women, and women may need even less energy after menopause. Children may be overweight if their mothers were overweight or smoked during pregnancy or if their mothers had diabetes during pregnancy. Also, if their parents were already overweight and obese when they were children, they are likely to be overweight as they grow up. It's really important to take care of our body and make healthy choices, especially in the first five years of our life.

What Are Added Sugars?


Added sugars are sugary elements added to foods and beverages during production. These sugary things are usually found in processed foods and beverages.


Artificial sweeteners are added to foods to make them taste better and sweeter. People have been avoiding sugar because it can cause health problems such as obesity and dental issues. That's why the food industry has started using artificial sweeteners instead of sugar in many products. They say these products are healthier and can be consumed by people with diabetes.


When we eat foods labeled as sugar-free, light, or zero, it can be harder for us to choose healthy options. We might end up eating more sweetened products and thinking we can consume more high-calorie foods to compensate for it. It's important to use artificial sweeteners in moderation to avoid risks. Some sugar-free products use fructose instead of sugar, claiming it's better for people with diabetes. But this isn't true: fructose can still affect blood sugar levels.


We should be careful with beverages, cookies, snacks, yogurts, and sauces that claim to be sugar-free or light, as they often contain artificial sweeteners. These substances can also be found in some medications and supplements, not just in the little packets we add to our coffee.

Artificial Sweeteners: Good or Bad?


Artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes are like special ingredients used instead of regular sugar to make things taste sweet. They are even sweeter than sugar, so we only need to use a little bit. They also have fewer calories, which is good for people who want to lose weight or have diabetes. But lately, people have been debating whether these substances are safe or not. Some people think that saccharin can cause cancer and other health problems. Therefore, there is a lot of disagreement and confusion about whether sweeteners are really safe.


Some studies suggest that drinking diet sodas can help with weight loss if one also eats healthily and exercises. This could be because people drink fewer sugary drinks when they choose diet options. It's unclear whether artificial sweeteners in diet drinks actually help with weight loss on their own. Therefore, it's better to use diet drinks as a substitute for sugary ones in a balanced diet, rather than relying on them to aid weight loss. We don't have enough evidence to say that sweeteners help people lose weight, but we also don't have enough evidence to say they are bad for us.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet and its Relationship with Physical Exercise


Our health is influenced by two main things: our genes and how we live our lives. Genes can make us more prone to certain diseases, but how we eat, exercise, and take care of ourselves also plays an important role. In Europe, many people die from chronic diseases related to not making healthy choices in their daily lives. It's important to take care of ourselves to stay healthy and live a long life.


Things that can make us unhealthy are called risk factors. Two of the main ones that can make us sick for a long time are not moving enough and eating unhealthy foods. People who move and play a lot have more fun and feel better. They can do more things without getting tired or sick. They also get to live longer.


It's really important for people of all ages to engage in physical activities and sports. When we do these activities, we feel better and happier right away. It can also help us feel less worried or sad.


Muscle pain, also known as myalgia, can occur when one or more muscles in our body feel sore. It can also affect the soft tissues that connect our muscles, bones, and organs. This pain can occur when we exercise or immediately after, and sometimes even when we're not doing anything. Although this inflammation is not harmful and goes away on its own, it depends on how severe it is to decide how to treat it.


Usually, people use creams or take medications to relieve pain. But some foods are really good for our health and make us feel better, while others can make us feel worse. Foods like sugar, white flour, and fatty foods can cause inflammation and make our bodies hurt. That's why it's important to eat less of those foods or avoid them altogether.


Some types of foods can help our muscles feel better when they are sore or injured. They have proteins and amino acids that can help relieve pain. It's important to maintain a balanced and healthy diet to help our body feel good.


Among the best anti-inflammatory foods, we find fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, cherries, pineapple, tomatoes, and bell peppers. Cooking with garlic, seaweed, and olive oil helps reduce inflammation. Chocolate, eggs, coffee, and omega-3-rich fish also have anti-inflammatory properties.


What Are Carbohydrates and What Are Their Types?


Carbohydrates are like the fuel that gives energy to the body. There are two main types: fast carbohydrates, which give you quick energy, and slow carbohydrates, which provide long-lasting energy.


Fast carbohydrates are like the fast lane on a highway for your energy. They give you a quick energy boost, but it can disappear just as quickly. Think of cookies or sodas as examples of fast carbohydrates that can make you feel tired afterward.


Slow carbohydrates are like taking a nice, peaceful road to get where you want to go. They are foods like whole grains, beans, and vegetables that provide you with energy that lasts a long time. They don't give you a quick burst of energy like sugary snacks, but they keep you active for longer. These foods are easier for the body to use, so it doesn't get tired as much. Fast carbohydrates are like a rocket that goes up and then down quickly, while slow carbohydrates are like a roller coaster that goes up and down slowly. Fast carbohydrates can make your energy levels go up and down quickly, but slow carbohydrates can keep your energy levels stable for longer.


For example, if we eat an apple instead of drinking apple juice, our body has to work harder to get the energy from the apple because of all the fiber it contains. This means we can use this information to make foods take longer to digest and give us more energy. When we eat an apple, we have to chew it, swallow it, and digest it before our body can use the nutrients. But when we drink apple juice, it goes straight to the stomach and is absorbed quickly because it's already in liquid form.

Comparison of Diets: Mediterranean, Keto, and Vegetarian


It's important to find a diet that you like and that works for your body. If you have a medical condition like diabetes or high blood pressure, you should talk to a doctor before starting a new diet. This means that it's not good to follow very strict diets because they are difficult to stick to, and even if you lose weight quickly, you will probably regain it and even more. It's best to choose foods that are natural and unprocessed, and try to eat less sugar and gluten if you can.


• Mediterranean Diet: Recognized by UNESCO as a Cultural Heritage of Humanity, it is a way of eating that is really good for our body. It includes lots of vegetables, fish, lean meats, fruits, nuts, grains, and a special type of oil called olive oil. Although we can still eat some treats like red meats, eggs, and desserts, we try to eat them less frequently.


• Ketogenic Diet: Famously known as the keto diet, it is a popular way of eating that includes lots of proteins and healthy fats. You eat very few carbohydrates and sugars, which helps your body burn more fat for energy.


• Vegetarian Diet: It's when people choose not to eat meat from animals. Instead, they eat foods that come from plants, like vegetables, nuts, and grains. Some vegetarians also eat eggs, cheese, and honey, but not all. It's important for vegetarians to make sure they get enough protein every day.


Here are the good and not-so-good things about these different diets: the vegan diet is really good because it helps reduce the risk of getting sick and can lower high blood pressure. But the downside is that it can lead to a low level of protein and a vitamin called B12, which is usually found in animal-based foods.


Also, if you eat fried foods along with vegetables, it won't be as healthy. The Keto diet is about eating healthy foods, not things like hot dogs. But some people who try it end up gaining back the weight they lost, and high levels of fat can affect the heart and cholesterol.


Lastly, the Mediterranean diet is known to be good for the heart and can reduce bad cholesterol, so overall, it's considered the best possible diet (and the most balanced). Just remember to drink wine in moderation.

Clinical Studies


The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) explains in an article that a mistake often made when teaching about nutrition is focusing too much on animal protein. We now know that not getting enough protein is not the main problem with our diet, and even if it were, it's not always possible for everyone to eat animal products. The most important problem is not eating enough food in general, which can lead to a lack of protein and energy. If we want to eat more protein, we should focus on eating plant-based foods rich in protein, like certain beans, instead of other animal products.


However, many nutrition programs in the past have tried to get people to eat more meat, fish, milk, eggs, and protein-rich foods made in factories. This hasn't worked, partly because it's too expensive for some people and because the recommended foods aren't always available. Nutrition educators can learn a lot from commercials because they are good at getting people to eat certain foods.



On the other hand, the dietitian-nutritionist, biologist, and consultant Juan Revenga explained in 2016 that scientists are now studying how sweeteners can affect the tiny living organisms in our stomach and how they work. A recent study by Israeli scientists found that artificial sweeteners can have negative effects on our bodies.


These sweeteners can change the bacteria in our intestines, which can lead to problems in how our body processes sugar and fat. This can increase the risk of developing diseases like diabetes and heart problems. The study was conducted on mice to see how artificial sweeteners can affect our metabolism.



Lastly, in the research paper "Scientific Overview of Natural and Artificial Sweeteners, Their Relationship with Chronic Diseases, and Their Uses as Non-Caloric Sweeteners," conducted by Margarita Lagos at the University of Chile (2022), it concludes that some studies have analyzed how sweeteners could affect chronic diseases such as diabetes and bladder cancer. Some studies in mice show that an excess of these sweeteners could cause bladder cancer, but it's different in humans. The FDA says these sweeteners are safe to consume. There is also no evidence that they cause more chronic diseases in people with diabetes, but it's difficult to study the effects because these sweeteners are used in many foods.





Not eating enough healthy foods can cause you not to get the right nutrients your body needs. This can happen if you don't have enough food to eat, if you're sick, or if you're not taking care of yourself properly. We talked about different problems with food and why they occur, how they make people feel, and ways to prevent them from happening. It's important for people to know what foods are healthy and how to make sure they get all the nutrients they need to stay healthy and perform optimally.


Learning about healthy eating and making good decisions can help prevent malnutrition, so education and support can help people make changes in their diet and lifestyle to improve their health. This could mean trying new foods, setting aside time for meals, and being motivated to make healthy choices, being aware of the best types of diet for our lifestyle, taking precautions with refined sugars, high caloric intake, and how to have a balanced diet.



About the author:  

Verónica Lovera Rojas graduated as a medical doctor in 2022 with concentration in the areas of surgery and gynecology. She has spent the past 8 years working as a medical writer and researcher, writing technical articles on a wide variety of topics in the medical field. She is currently practicing at a hospital and working as a professional medical writer.

About the translator / editor:

Brian Hoy has over 20 years of experience in the medical device industry and business formation, supporting the full lifecycle with global scope. Brian consults for industry and provides general advisory and off-hours support.






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